The Punishment after sending an innocent text Message to mistress Vonn
Again this punishment essay kindly administered by Mistress Vonn was inspired by a text message conversation that we had.
On logging in to my Yahoo Messenger account the previous night I noticed that Mistress Vonn had a new profile picture on my friend’s list.*
* My friend’s list that is a laugh. It has Mistress Vonn and nobody else on it so it should really be called a friend list.
So after passing comment to Mistress Vonn on this I was then ordered to write an essay on the subject.
I made sure that I passed some very complimentary words on Mistress Vonn’s new look. I hope Mistress Vonn realizes now that I do not tell lies and am always honest with her and I do not heap on any false praise or flattery everything I say is one hundred percent honest and straight from my heart.
‘What I like about Mistress Vonn’s new look’
As stated above I was pretty much surprised when I saw that Mistress Vonn had changed her profile picture on her Yahoo messenger account.
At first, I had to do a double-take as I was not sure it was her as she looked so different. I was worried that someone else had somehow hacked into my email account and added themselves to my friend’s list.
I am used to Mistress Vonn with her trademark lovely long blonde hair.
Instead, she had shorter brunette hair and it was in a bobbed style.
Mistress Vonn looks absolutely fantastic like this and even though I was a little shocked at first I really like how she has transformed herself.
Of course, the giveaway was Mistress Vonn’s eyes which I would recognize anywhere. Of course, due to my ongoing neurosis especially when faced with such a beautiful woman as Mistress Vonn I find it very difficult to keep any sort of eye contact. However, on the occasions, I do I have always been swept away by how lovely her eyes are. Such a pale yet strikingly bright blue that at times is almost grey.
Mistress Vonn’s eyes were the thing that made me realize the profile picture was still her.
I suppose in talking about Mistress Vonn and her new look I have to pass a reference to her old look as well. Or what I really mean is Mistress Vonn’s regular look as nothing about Mistress Vonn can be considered old. Even though I understand that Mistress Vonn has one look for cam sessions and another for real-time sessions.
When I finally, after years and years of fantasizing about getting a spanking, decided to do something about it I was in my usual state of indecision.
I had no idea how to go about it. I thought I would check out a few websites to see if there was any help there. After joining a few message board forums that dealt with the BDSM scene I was no nearer the answer but got the odd good piece of advice.*
Mainly I was told to look for a Mistress in the Glasgow area and then sent a polite email with details of what I was looking for and information on how to arrange a meeting.
This of course for someone as nervous as me was not as easy to do but I finally one night decided to go for it. Silly that something you have always dreamed of should be so difficult to go through with when you have the chance. However, I think most people are the same with a long-standing dream. Part of the very real worry you have is that when the long-cherished fantasy becomes a reality you will be let down and therefore not have the fantasy to fall back on or dream about anymore.
*I also got a lot and lots of private messages to my account with offers from men willing to spank me. Some of them were very kind and persuasive in trying to get me to agree and some were quite aggressive when I politely refused their offers. They kind of missed the point that my spanking fantasies all revolved around a beautiful attractive woman doing the spanking. I am not homophobic or anything but the thought of a man spanking me does absolutely nothing for me at all.
I seem to remember putting into a search engine the term Glasgow spanking mistress. A surprising number of hits came back but most of them were just directories that had nothing to do with Glasgow never mind spanking. Eventually, I came to a site that had listed a number of Mistress’s in the Glasgow area.
The first on the list was a dungeon in Glasgow where a number of Mistresses worked out. To be honest I never gave this site much of a look as the dudgeon aspect of it really was not for me. I always imagined my spanking to be more in a domestic style setting.
The next on the list looked more promising as the opening line included ‘sessions available from a domestic location not a dungeon’
This was exactly what I was looking for. When I visited the site I was immediately thunderstruck but what I found.
The first picture of Mistress Vonn I saw was a full-length shot of her with her back turned dressed exactly as I imagined a Mistress to be dressed in a leather skirt and jacket with beautiful long blonde hair.*
I looked further into the site and read up on the services offered which was exactly what I was looking for.
I know I shouldn’t be judgemental on looks especially when I am no oil painting myself** but I really wanted to be spanked by a beautiful woman which was so much part of my fantasy for all those long years. When I clicked the link to see more pictures of Mistress Vonn I wasn’t prepared for what I was to see.
Not only did Mistress Vonn have my absolute dream look like a dominatrix but the other pictures of her showed that she has film star looks as well. There was one particular shot where Mistress just had an ordinary t-shirt on and her hair had a tartan headband pulling it slightly off her forehead.
I had never ever seen someone as beautiful as that. I honestly said to myself that even if I meet up with Mistress Vonn and after all the years of fantasy I didn’t enjoy the session at least I could say that I met and was in the company of such a beautiful woman.***
Mistress Vonn’s classic look for real-time sessions is exactly what I dreamed and fantasized about for all those years.
A tall blonde goddess look who not only exudes dominance and power but is yet overwhelmingly feminine. An untouchable and unreachable vision of beauty.
This is exactly the look that I always dreamed about. However, Mistress Vonn far exceeds my wildest dreams both in her beauty and skill as a Mistress. I have never ever in my life been as lucky to have managed to find her and be allowed to be even a small part of her life.
To be in Mistress Vonn’s company not only in but out with a session is something I will always treasure and hope to do so for many years to come.
*I know I am rambling a bit here but I think to comment on Mistress Vonn’s new look I must comment on her old look. Even though her old look is still her current look and I better stop as I am confusing myself.
** Well perhaps I look a bit like the portrait of Dorian Grey i.e old and bedraggled!!
*** I have said this to Mistress Vonn in person before and I hope I do not embarrass her by putting it down in writing but it is true and exactly how I felt and still feel about her.
Now finally getting onto the topic of this essay about how I like Mistress Vonn’s new look and how it makes me feel when I see her that way.
I can’t speak for anybody else but if they are not impressed with the new look then they are not impressed by anything.
It is totally different in a number of ways. As Mistress Vonn is wearing a wig it immediately makes her have a shorter haircut as well as a different color.
I would say the new hairstyle is a light brown color with a fringe. It really is a departure from her usual look and I reckon people who don’t know her would think the two pictures of the old look and the new look would be two different people.
I think in a way it makes Mistress Vonn look much more strict. It is an ideal to look for a very stern and strict schoolteacher* but obviously with lots of sex appeal as well.
I can imagine the reaction of everyone on cam when they first see Mistress Vonn and her new look especially those who know her from real-time sessions.
The new look is absolutely stunning. It is amazing how just the change of hairstyle and I presume subtle changes in makeup can make such a beautiful woman as Mistress Vonn look so different yet remain just as attractive.
It is almost the perfect disguise as I reckon I would at first walk past Mistress Vonn in the street if she was wearing that wig. I obviously would notice what a beautiful woman she was but my first reaction wouldn’t be to know that it was her.
It actually puts me in a slightly difficult position.
Even though I have no say in the matter about how Mistress Vonn is dressed in a session I wonder what it would be like to be punished by Mistress Vonn in a real-time session when she has her new look?
As I said Mistress Vonn far exceeds my wildest dreams as a Mistress in every aspect possible. I didn’t know what to expect before I entered this amazing new world and, to be honest I was more than a little bit scared of what would happen.
Her role-play and skills with mind games and the administering of physical punishment really are something else. I could not imagine how she could be any better yet with each passing session she manages to make it more and more exciting and new.
Maybe it would seem like I would be being punished by someone else but on further reflection, I would not want that to be the case.
I do not want to imagine I am under control or being punished by anyone other than Mistress Vonn. She controls me totally and I am so very lucky to be a small part of her life. I am perhaps a bit worried when I look in the mirror whilst being caned and I don’t see Mistress Vonn but someone else albeit briefly. This upsets me quite a bit to think of it. I only want to be punished by her and anyone else would not be good enough. It is a bit of a conundrum.
But when I calm down and I think about it rationally I see I don’t really care as long as I am over Mistress Vonn’s knee and in her control that is the main thing.
Mistress Vonn would still look gorgeous if she was spanking me wearing an old dressing gown and with her hair in curlers!